Welcome to the downloads area. Enjoy.
Note: All files are hosted on Dropbox
INS Hardware Revision 2:
GNSS + IMU with online pose estimation filter

User Manual:
INS User Manual (.pdf) update 9/3/2023
Software Integration:
MoTeC Dash Channel Configuration File (.chx) (MoTeC Dash Channel File) update 9/3/2023
MoTeC Dash CAN Configuration File Version 43 (.cc9) (MoTeC Dash Channel Config) update 9/3/2023
Universal CAN Database Configuration File Version 43 (.dbc) (Bosch Motorsport et. others) update 9/3/2023
MoTeC M1 Build Project Hardware Revision 2 (.m1prj) (MoTeC M1 Build Project for source code) update 9/3/2023 (Includes INS, and IMU)
MoTeC M1 INS/IMU Test Package (MoTeC M1 Package for INS / IMU Testing) update 6/1/2023
Hardware Integration:
INS 3D File Version 2 (.step) update 11/1/2022
IMU Hardware Revision 2:
Non-GNSS based IMU pose estimation filter

Software Integration:
MoTeC Dash Channel Configuration File (.chx) (MoTeC Dash Channel File) update 6/1/2023
MoTeC Dash CAN Configuration File Version 41 (.cc9) (MoTeC Dash Channel Config) update 4/16/2023
Universal CAN Database Configuration Version 41 (.dbc) (Bosch Motorsport et. others) update 6/1/2023
MoTeC M1 Build Project Hardware Revision 2 (.m1prj) (MoTeC M1 Build Project for source code) update 6/1/2023 (Includes INS, and IMU)
MoTeC M1 INS/IMU Test Package (MoTeC M1 Package for INS / IMU Testing) update 6/1/2023
Hardware Integration:
IMU 3D File (.step) update 4/16/2023
INS Hardware Revision 1:
Note: If you have a V1 INS, please contact us to send the sensor in for a re-calibration and firmware update
GNSS + IMU with online pose estimation filter

Software Integration:
MoTeC M1 Build Project Hardware Revision 1 (.m1prj) (MoTeC M1 source code) update 12/12/2021 (Includes INS, and IMU)
MoTeC Dash Channel Configuration File (.chx) (MoTeC Dash Channel File) update 12/12/2021
MoTeC Dash CAN Configuration File Version 18 (.cc9) (MoTeC Dash Channel Config) update 5/5/2021
Universal CAN Database Configuration Version 18 (.dbc) (Bosch Motorsport et. others) update 4/20/2021
Hardware Integration:
INS 3D File Version 1(.step) update 11/1/2022